Personal Information

Christian Cannavina #24
Forward/ Mid-Fielder
DOB: 10/4/91
HT: 6'0"
WT: 145 lbs.

Hometown: Layton, UT


Graduation Year: 2009
3.1 GPA


High school: Layton High School
Varsity, sophmore and junior year.

Advantage Soccer Club: 1999-2004- U12 State Cup Champion, U13 State Cup Finalist, Mayors Cup Campion, Strikers Cup Champion, Las Vegas Premier Champions, Sparta Cup Champion,

La Roca FC:2005-2007- All time leading goal scorer, U14 State Champion, Sparta Cup Champion, League Champions (Top Scorer), Las Vegas Turkey Shoot Finalist,

Inter FC: 2007-2008 Sparta Cup Finalist, State Cup Champion 2009, Dallas Cup Chapion 2008

Argentina: Played with: Racing Club, Lanus, Boca Jrs., also played under La Academia de Jorge Griffa.

College Preferences

A good university or collage and is either D1, D2, or D3

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